Designing an Adventure Park

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In this edition of Peek Inside the Park, we talk to our founder & CEO Bahman Azarm about what it takes to design the challenges that make up an adventure Park.

What is a challenge?

A challenge – also known as an element – is anything between two platforms that you traverse from one platform to the other.  The platforms could be on trees or poles.  Elements include ziplines, bridges, ladders, rolling elements and more.  Challenges have varying levels of difficulty and courses are color coded based on the difficulty level.

Who designs the challenges?

Challenges are designed by both our sister company in Switzerland, as well as Bahman.  The challenges that Bahman has designs are US-based and have names like the Long Island bridge.

Are the courses designed to be changed over time?

The courses aren’t necessarily designed to change, though sometimes it is necessary to modify the course due to an issue with a tree.  More often, we are adding to the courses, which is a lot of fun to design.  New courses are added periodically to add terrain to busy parks or to incorporate more ziplines, which are very popular.

Who gets to try the challenges first?

Watch this video interview with Bahman to find out!


In our Peek Inside the Park series, members of Adventure Park team answer questions from guests like you.  Check out Peek Inside the Park to see other questions from our Park guests.

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